Search For Parcels

Search Real Property Information
(Image Mate Online)

By Parcel ID Number:
Enter full parcel ID number: "109.02-1-3.11"

By Owner's Last Name:
Enter full or partial name: "Smith" or "Smi"

By Parcel Address:
Enter street address with or without number: "123 Main St" or "Main St" or even "Main"
Use * as a wildcard: "*Front St"

Limit All Searches to the Following
Municipalities and/or Zip Codes:
Default searches entire county. Use ctrl key to select multiple municipalities or zip codes.

Limit All Searches to the Following Graphic's Spatial Extent:

Search By Criteria:
Acerage: at least:     BUT
  no more than:  

Assessed Value: at least:  
  BUT  no more than:  

Highway Access:  
DEC Wetlands:  
NWI Wetlands:  
Existing FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area:  
Preliminary FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area:  
Steep Slopes:  
Ag District:  
Empire Zone:  
School District:  
Utilities:   Structure Age: Between:     AND
  years old.

Current Land Use:

Default does not include land use in search. Use ctrl key to select multiple land uses.
Property Class (Assessor) Code:   
General Zoning Category:

Default does not include zoning in search. Use ctrl key to select multiple zoning categories.